Today is another rainy day in Paradise. Even the cat won't go outside. But I braved the elements to attend the last day of the Famer's market. I can't believe it is the end of summer already. The leaves are yellow and red, and all falling to the ground.
And the crab apples are red and shiney. What better way to spend a rainy afternoon than making crab apple jelly. Ok, so how do I do that?
Well a google search leads me to the Canadian Living website. Who can go wrong with Canadian Living? I've been reading the magazine since I was a little kid.
We learned how hard our water was when we made the Saskatoon Berry Jam a few weeks ago, so this time I put the vinegar in the water with the jars and lids to prevent the scaling. And it worked because the jars aren't nearly as scaley as they were last time.
The jars are no